
Brussel Sprouts {with bacon…of course!}


Think you don’t like brussel sprouts?  Think again, my friend!  This recipe (I think) will change your mind. I’ve cooked them before but they were never as good as this…


4 strips thick-cut bacon (I used thick, peppered bacon)
2 tablespoons butter
1 pound Brussels sprouts, halved
1/2 large onion, chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Cut the ends off the brussel sprouts, then cut each one in half…this is very important because they taste much better when they are cut and can soak up more of the seasonings.  Cook bacon in a large skillet over medium-high heat until crispy. Remove from pan, let cool and then roughly chop. In same pan with bacon fat, melt the butter.  Add onions and Brussels Sprouts and cook on high heat, stirring occasionally, until sprouts are golden brown, about 10 minutes.  I actually like to cook mine until they are mostly charred on the side that has been cut.  Season with salt and pepper, to taste, and toss bacon back into pan. Serve immediately.  Credit belongs to Sunny Anderson on Food Network…here.

I think anything would taste good with this bacon…mmmmm!


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